Chapter 234 - white lotus Tools

The 150 thousand-strong allied army retreated backwards, trampling all over the place along the way! Many people had been stepped on, especially those who were physically weak!

"Quick!" Hurry and retreat! The imperial army is right behind us, if we want to survive this time, we must quickly retreat! "

"That's right!" The imperial army is too powerful, we are no match for them! "

"Sigh!" Why did the imperial army appear at this time? Didn't they say that there's no army? "

Those rebel soldiers were still discussing!

However, after less than a quarter of an hour, another wave of disorderly voices came from the allied army in the north!

"What's wrong? What happened? " Zhong Xiang retreated with the allied soldiers, and could not help but ask anxiously.

"Elder Zhong, something terrible has happened!" The road ahead was blocked! Furthermore, there were shouts of battle in front of them! The imperial government has also laid down an army in front! " A Vice Hallmaster said.

"How could this be? "Quick, open up a path!" Zhong Xiang said.

The Vice Hallmaster who spoke with Zhong Xiang before, had disappeared somewhere! Zhong Xiang was shouting loudly, but no one listened to him! He wanted to restrain the army, but it was impossible!

"Master! Master! What do we do now? " Yang Me's voice came from afar!

"Come here!" Zhong Xiang said, sweating profusely.

After a while, Yang Me squeezed to Zhong Xiang's side!

"Master, there are armies of the imperial government in front of us as well as behind us! Moreover, the road was blocked! Our rebel army does not dare to fight against the imperial army at all! What do we do now? " Yang Me said anxiously.

"These motley masses are no match for the imperial army at all! This time, we have lost! " Zhong Xiang said.

"What?" He failed just like that? Don't we still have a hundred and fifty thousand soldiers? How could he fail? " Yang Me said in disbelief.

"The army formed by these lowly commoners is no match for the imperial government! Forget it, forget it. I have miscalculated! I thought that the army of the imperial government had already gone to all parts of the Chuan Shu, who knew that they would still be lying in ambush on the Taurus Road? Sigh, my 150,000 strong army, if all goes well and we manage to defeat the Chuan Shu, but if there is a slight setback, the allied army would be unable to withstand a single blow! "Sigh!" He sighed deeply!

"Master, what should we do now?" Yang Me said.

"We will return to the Mianyang immediately! Let's go up the hill! With our skills, we can escape! " Zhong Xiang said.

"But Master, if we go back now, what about Chuan Shu? How do we take over Chuan Shu? How do we realize our ambition? " Yang Me said.

"Can you still think about this at this time?" Zhong Xiang said hatefully.

He had already walked forward with large strides. Yang Me clenched his teeth and followed Zhong Xiang forward! In front of them were the citizens of the allied army, who were blocking their way. They had performed a lightness skill and stepped over the heads of these civilians.

After a while, they arrived at the mountain. The mountain was steep, but their martial arts were powerful. There was no way to stop them! After a quarter of an hour, Zhong Xiang and Yang Me's figures slowly disappeared!

The rebel army was still in chaos!

Shu Dao was narrow, with enemies at the front and back. These rebel soldiers were extremely anxious, not knowing what to do next.

"Surrender and don't kill!"

At that moment, waves of sounds came from both the front and back! These were the sounds produced by the officials and soldiers of the imperial government!

These sounds were incomparably neat, produced by tens of thousands of people at the same time!

In such a chaotic moment, such a sound immediately had the effect of intimidating others!

"Surrender and don't kill!" The soldiers said they would surrender and not kill him? Let's quickly kneel and surrender! "

"That's right!" We are not a match for the soldiers, so we have no other choice but to surrender! "

"Old Liu, why aren't you kneeling down!"

The two old men in their sixties and seventies who had participated in the allied army earlier were still safe and sound. Now that they heard the voices of surrender and not killing, the 60-odd old rebel army quickly pulled the 70-odd soldier down on his knees!

Gradually, more and more people fell to their knees!

After less than an hour, almost everyone had knelt down!

The night was pitch black and the surroundings were completely silent. The only sound that could be heard was the sounds of breathing from the rebel army! Occasionally, the sound of wind could be heard! The voices of the soldiers had disappeared!

"Old Liu, what should we do?" Are we going to die? " The 60 year old rebel army said.

"It doesn't matter if we are old bones or not! But my grandson is here too! If my grandson dies, then our Liu family will be cut off! There were three ways to not be filial, and one would only achieve greatness if there was no future! Even if I die, I won't have the face to see the ancestors! " The seventy year old rebel army!

"What should we do? What should he do? Light up! When the sun rises, we will know what to do! " The 60 + year old rebel army said.

"That's right!" Hurry up and break the sky! Right now, you're really afraid of people! " The seventy-something year old rebel army said.

The sky was dark, and their hearts were filled with incomparable terror!

Two hours had already passed. Gradually, the allied army from the south and north heard the sound of footsteps. This caused their hearts to race; they knew that the soldiers were coming!

Only when the sky began to brighten did they realize that the people in front of them were indeed soldiers! These troops were organized in a neat formation. Everyone was holding shiny weapons, and countless arrows were aimed at them!

"Don't kill us! Don't kill us! We have been bewitched by the white lotus, we do not wish to rebel against the imperial government! "

"Mercy!" Please spare my life! "

"I have an eighty year old mother and a baby! "Spare me!"

There were wails everywhere in the allied army!

The soldiers paid no attention to them. After a while, an earth-shattering sound came from the army — "Long live!"

Countless soldiers kneeled down on the ground as the thunderous voice resounded through the sky!

"What?" Hail? Could it be that the Emperor has come? "

"Oh my god!" The Emperor is here! Let's hurry up and welcome them! "

"Long live! Long live Your Majesty! "

For a time, the voices of "Long live" could be heard everywhere in the allied army! Although these citizens had been bewitched by the white lotus and opposed to the imperial government, the supreme concept of the emperor had been formed in their hearts since young! At this moment, when they heard about the arrival of the emperor, all the citizens of the allied army had expressions of panic on their faces. They all acknowledged the supreme position of the emperor and immediately called him "Long live"!

However, their voices were noisy. Even though they had a large number of people, their voices could not be compared with those of the soldiers!

In the misty sky, with countless soldiers clustered around him, a dragon-robed Zhao Chen walked out from the army!

Seeing Zhao Chen coming over, the common folk looked at Zhao Chen curiously at first, but then quickly lowered their heads, afraid that Zhao Chen would think that they were being rude!

"This commoner pays his respects to Your Majesty!"

"Long live Your Majesty! Long live Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, Thousand Years!" This commoner pays his respects to Your Majesty! "

For a time, such a sound rang out once again with a loud rumble!

After a long time, the sound gradually quieted down! Some of them were still looking at Zhao Chen secretly, but Zhao Chen was not sad nor happy, which made them even more frightened!

"Last night, many commoners died here, many of them were trampled to death by you! "It hurts so much!" Zhao Chen finally opened his mouth!

Hearing Zhao Chen's gentle voice, the people below heaved a sigh of relief! However, after hearing the content of Zhao Chen's words, many citizens sighed in their hearts! Some of their relatives and friends had died here, and many of them were unable to contact their own relatives and friends. They were very worried about their families and friends' situation!

"Have you all gotten tired after kneeling for an entire night?" Zhao Chen said again.

"I'm not tired!"

"This commoner is not tired! I just hope that Your Majesty can spare my life! "

"Your Majesty, please spare us!"

The people below began to clamor. They did not dare to say they were "tired". They only wanted to spare their lives!

"How can I not be tired after kneeling for the entire night? Alright, you don't have to kneel anymore. Just sit down! All of you, sit on the ground and listen to me! " Zhao Chen said.

Hearing Zhao Chen's voice, the people were all stunned! Naturally, the commoners had to kneel before the emperor, let alone the fact that they were mutinous commoners! But now, Zhao Chen actually allowed them to sit down. However, after a short period of time, countless citizens were overjoyed. The fact that the emperor made them sit down proved that the emperor really did not intend to kill them!

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for sparing my life!"

"This commoner thanks Your Majesty!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"

A moment later, a series of loud noises came from within the allied army once again. Countless citizens kowtowed to Zhao Chen, and then, they stood up and sat down again!

When the chaos stopped, Zhao Chen started to speak again.

"You are all citizens of the Song Dynasty, why are you rebelling against the Song Dynasty? Why did you rebel against me? " Zhao Chen said.

The people of the allied army looked at each other. After a while, a teenager said, "Your Majesty, the white lotus says that we can establish a white lotus to flourish in this world! When the time came for the white lotus to flourish, no one would have to work. Everyone would be happy! That's why we were bewitched! "

"Do you think it's possible that no one has to work? Even if it were me, I wouldn't be able to take a rest even if I had to handle the affairs of state every day for a few days of the year! I have to work every day, and so do my ministers! Is it possible that no one works? " Zhao Chen said.

"This... Your Majesty, these are all orders that the dead mother has passed down to us! The dead mother is the strongest divine being in the heaven and earth, there is nothing she can't do. The youth said again.

"Is the dead mother the strongest god in the sky and on the ground? Can't do anything? Since she is so powerful, there's no need for you to rebel! As long as she alone is able to establish the White Lotus Golden Age, she can kill me, all the officials and soldiers of the imperial court, and achieve the glory of the White Lotus World! What does she need you for? Does she still need you to rebel? " Zhao Chen said.

"This …" The youth stood there in a daze, unable to speak!

Yes, just as Zhao Chen had said, if the gods promoted by these religions were omnipotent, would they, the common people, still need to rebel? It was truly omnipotent. Every word and thought of a single person made the world become the so-called "flourishing of the white lotus"! However, the dead mother did not have this ability. The dead mother still relied on teaching and uprising, and it might not succeed in doing so! What kind of 'omnipotent' was this?

"Your Majesty, the messengers of the Holy Sect can extend their hands into the wok! Even a frying pan couldn't burn him! The messengers of the Holy Church can also kill ghosts! " The youth was unwilling to accept this.

Hearing this, Zhao Chen did not know whether to laugh or cry!

However, he was already prepared!

"Someone, bring the wok up here!" Zhao Chen said.

Immediately, someone lifted a wok over. The wok was boiling with boiling hot oil!

"All of you, come take a look!" Is this a frying pan? " Zhao Chen said.

Next, a group of civilians from the allied army came up. They looked at it and nodded their heads!

"Get more people to come take a look!" Zhao Chen said.

More and more citizens of the allied army came up and nodded their heads!

"Very good! All of you keep an eye on it! " Zhao Chen laughed, and then fiercely inserted both of his hands into the wok!


Shouts and screams came from below. There were even countless citizens who covered their eyes and did not dare to look any further!

"Looks like this wok is only mediocre!" Zhao Chen's voice sounded, incomparably calm!

All the people below opened their eyes, all of them were looking up in shock, only to see Zhao Chen's hands slowly pulling out from the wok! He wiped his hands with a cloth and saw that they were safe and sound.

"AHH!" His Majesty had the ability to do so as well? Your Majesty, are you also of the Diamond Body? " Another rebel army member said in disbelief.

"What Diamond Body?" Zhao Chen said.

"The Holy Church's messengers said that only the true Vajra Body can keep one's hands in the pot without getting hurt! The envoy of the Holy Church received the dead mother's technique, which is why they have such abilities! " That rebel army said.

"Nonsense! Wu Jie, show them what you can do! " Zhao Chen said.

Behind Zhao Chen, a Young Generals walked over! Young Generals's face was handsome, and he looked extremely elegant. It was Wu Jie!

At the same time, Wu Jie also inserted his hands into the wok, causing countless of people to watch! The wok was boiling, and Wu Jie's hands were safe and sound!

"This …" The commoners below were dumbfounded. They never thought that another 'Diamond Body' would appear!

"Let the soldiers give it a try!" Zhao Chen said.

At that moment, the soldiers came forward one by one. Many of them had their hands stuck in the wok and were safe and sound.

"This... Could it be that His Majesty possesses the Vajra Body? Could they also be disciples of the dead mother? "

"How can this be? "That's impossible!"

"That's right!" Strange! "Strange!"

Just at this time, one of the allied soldiers was caught by Wu Jie. The allied soldier was still struggling, when Wu Jie had already stuffed both of his hands into the frying pan! The allied army let out a blood-curdling scream. However, he soon discovered that something was amiss. The temperature inside the wok was not as high as he had imagined! After he pulled his hands out, he realized that his hands were still normal!

"How is this possible?" The allied army was in disbelief!

"Do you have anyone else who wants to try? I guarantee your safety! " Zhao Chen said.

After Zhao Chen finished speaking, the allied army was silent, no one dared to rush up! Until Zhao Chen shouted a few more times, and finally, a bold civilian came forward. He inserted his hands into the wok and remained safe and sound, and was immediately shocked! Then, more and more citizens came forward. The result of their experiments was that their hands were safe and sound!

In fact, this was an ancient martial arts technique to deceive people. One would first pour vinegar into the wok, and then, one would pour oil onto the wok! The vinegar was more important than anything else, so the oil that floated below was only the first layer! The boiling point of vinegar was low, so the temperature didn't need to be high to boil up! From the outside, it looked like a pot of boiling oil! In fact, the temperature inside wasn't that high. The human skin could completely withstand it! Ordinary people did not know the reasoning behind it all, and only thought that it was really the descent of a deity, a deity passing down the cultivation path, and so on!

"Wu Jie, someone just said that the people of white lotus can kill ghosts, show them what you've got!" When the surroundings quietened down once again, Zhao Chen smiled and said.

"This general's decree!" Wu Jie stood up!

Wu Jie then took out a piece of paper. The piece of paper was pure white and there was nothing on it!

Following that, Wu Jie spat towards the piece of paper, and suddenly, a ghostly figure appeared on the piece of paper! Wu Jie slashed his sword towards the ghost shadow and cut it in half!

The allied army below was stunned once again. Many of them had expressions of disbelief on their faces!

"What other abilities does the white lotus have? Speak of everything! " Zhao Chen said again.

"Your Majesty, the messengers of the Holy Church are invulnerable!" A fifty year old rebel army stood out and said.

"Indestructible? Oh? Who is invulnerable, call him out! " Zhao Chen said.

After a while, dozens of rebel soldiers came out and stood on the stage! These were the envoys of the white lotus who could perform as invulnerability!

"I have a sword, why don't you give it a try!" Zhao Chen said.

A dozen or so of these members were trembling in fear, while the rest of them had an eager expression on their faces!

A young man of about sixteen to seventeen years old stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I am willing to give it a try!" "You're heading towards my stomach!"

"I'm not willing to kill you with my own hands!" Zhao Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry!

Immediately, the young man took off his shirt, he started to circulate his Qi, and started to walk on horseback. The sword in Zhao Chen's hand slashed towards the young man's stomach, and instantly, a stream of blood flowed out! The youth was shocked, he found this unbelievable!

"Your Majesty, he is not a disciple of the dead mother! He was a fake disciple! I am the true disciple of the dead mother! I am willing to give it a try! " Another person stood up and said.

The man tried out the next move and a moment later, blood was flowing out from his stomach as well. He too stood there in a daze!

Following that, Zhao Chen ordered dozens of people to be pushed down to the ground. Each and every one of them were tested, and none of them were able to achieve "invulnerability"!

In ancient China, religions bewitched people. There were two favorite moves. One was to use rune water to cure illness, and the other was to "invade the world with swords and spears"! And the classic example of "invulnerability to swords and guns" was the later Boxer group! Back then, the Boxers claimed that they were invulnerable to swords and firearms, regardless of whether they were hot weapons or hot swords! At that time, the scholars recorded that they would be able to use a spear to fill up the wound, while the boxers would stand at a distance of a hundred steps, allowing the spear to strike them. They would then be able to hold the weapon in their hands as if it were an example to the public, who would marvel at what they had not seen and would think that the people who came to ask for advice would return to the city ', and would not be able to shoot a bullet into their stomach!

At that time, the Kingdom of Great Qing, from the Empress Dowager Cixi and Li Hongzhang to the ministers and commoners of the imperial court, all believed that the Boxers were invulnerable! The Empress Dowager felt that although the musketeers were powerful, the Boxers of the Boxers were invulnerable enough to defend themselves against the foreigners. Thus, she fell out with them! When the foreigners invaded, the Boxers actually rushed up with their guns. The fact was that the so-called invulnerability was just a joke. The invulnerable citizens were all shot to death by the guns! However, some of the boxers still believed that the people who were shot to death were not true members of the Boxers, and still believed that "invulnerability" was not possible. They continued charging forward and then falling to the ground! The legend of 'invulnerability' was officially shattered only when the Boxers completely failed! From then on, no one believed that the so-called 'invulnerability' could be achieved by swords, be it the upper or lower class citizens of the country!

Zhao Chen never thought that the white lotus would actually use the technique "Invisible Sword and Spear" to confuse the common people. In fact, even if he were to enter the Innate Realm in terms of martial arts, it would be impossible for him to be invulnerable to the sword and spear! Even if it was Wang Chongyang, he could not possibly remain invulnerable! Especially with a sharp weapon like the Pure Jun Sword in his hand, Wang Chongyang would not allow others to slash at him without defending!

After this' performance ', the people below were all stupefied. They all stood there in a daze, at a loss of what to do.

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